Instances For
- Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.instInhabitedInstance = { default := { val := default, synthOrder := default } }
- mvar : Lean.Expr
- key : Lean.Expr
- mctx : Lean.MetavarContext
- instances : Array Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.Instance
- currInstanceIdx : Nat
- typeHasMVars : Bool
typeHasMVars := true
if type ofmvar
contains metavariables. We store this information to implement an optimization that relies on the fact that instances are "morally canonical." That is, we need to find at most one answer for this generator node if the type does not have metavariables.
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- mvar : Lean.Expr
- key : Lean.Expr
- mctx : Lean.MetavarContext
- size : Nat
Instances For
- Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.instInhabitedConsumerNode = { default := { mvar := default, key := default, mctx := default, subgoals := default, size := default } }
- consumerNode: Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.ConsumerNode → Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.Waiter
- root: Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.Waiter
Instances For
- x.isRoot = match x with | Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.Waiter.consumerNode a => false | Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.Waiter.root => true
Instances For
In tabled resolution, we creating a mapping from goals (e.g., Coe Nat ?x
) to
answers and waiters. Waiters are consumer nodes that are waiting for answers for a
particular node.
We implement this mapping using a HashMap
where the keys are
normalized expressions. That is, we replace assignable metavariables
with auxiliary free variables of the form _tc.<idx>
. We do
not declare these free variables in any local context, and we should
view them as "normalized names" for metavariables. For example, the
term f ?m ?m ?n
is normalized as
f _tc.0 _tc.0 _tc.1
This approach is structural, and we may visit the same goal more than once if the different occurrences are just definitionally equal, but not structurally equal.
Remark: a metavariable is assignable only if its depth is equal to the metavar context depth.
- nextIdx : Nat
- lmap : Lean.HashMap Lean.LMVarId Lean.Level
- emap : Lean.HashMap Lean.MVarId Lean.Expr
- mctx : Lean.MetavarContext
Instances For
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Remark: mkTableKey
assumes e
does not contain assigned metavariables.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- result : Lean.Meta.AbstractMVarsResult
- resultType : Lean.Expr
- size : Nat
Instances For
- Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.instInhabitedAnswer = { default := { result := default, resultType := default, size := default } }
- waiters : Array Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.Waiter
- answers : Array Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.Answer
Instances For
Instances For
Remark: the SynthInstance.State is not really an extension of Meta.State
The field postponed
is not needed, and the field mctx
is misleading since
methods operate over different MetavarContext
s simultaneously.
That being said, we still use extends
because it makes it simpler to move from
to MetaM
- result? : Option Lean.Meta.AbstractMVarsResult
- generatorStack : Array Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.GeneratorNode
- resumeStack : Array (Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.ConsumerNode × Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.Answer)
- tableEntries : Lean.HashMap Lean.Expr Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.TableEntry
Instances For
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Instances For
- Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.instInhabitedSynthM = { default := fun (x : Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.Context) (x : ST.Ref IO.RealWorld Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.State) => default }
Return globals and locals instances that may unify with type
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Create a new generator node for mvar
and add waiter
as its waiter.
must be mkTableKey mctx mvarType
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.findEntry? key = do let __do_lift ← get pure (__do_lift.tableEntries.find? key)
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Create a key
for the goal associated with the given metavariable.
That is, we create a key for the type of the metavariable.
We must instantiate assigned metavariables before we invoke mkTableKey
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
See getSubgoals
and getSubgoalsAux
We use the parameter j
to reduce the number of instantiate*
It is the same approach we use at forallTelescope
and lambdaTelescope
Given getSubgoalsAux args j subgoals instVal type
we have that type.instantiateRevRange j args.size args
does not have loose bound variables.
Instances For
getSubgoals lctx localInsts xs inst
creates the subgoals for the instance inst
The subgoals are in the context of the free variables xs
, and
(lctx, localInsts)
is the local context and instances before we added the free variables to it.
This extra complication is required because
1- We want all metavariables created by synthInstance
to share the same local context.
2- We want to ensure that applications such as mvar xs
are higher order patterns.
The method getGoals
create a new metavariable for each parameter of inst
For example, suppose the type of inst
is forall (x_1 : A_1) ... (x_n : A_n), B x_1 ... x_n
Then, we create the metavariables ?m_i : forall xs, A_i
, and return the subset of these
metavariables that are instance implicit arguments, and the expressions:
inst (?m_1 xs) ... (?m_n xs)
)B (?m_1 xs) ... (?m_n xs)
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Try to synthesize metavariable mvar
using the instance inst
Remark: mctx
is set using withMCtx
If it succeeds, the result is a new updated metavariable context and a new list of subgoals.
A subgoal is created for each instance implicit parameter of inst
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Assign a precomputed answer to mvar
If it succeeds, the result is a new updated metavariable context and a new list of subgoals.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Move waiters that are waiting for the given answer to the resume stack.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.isNewAnswer oldAnswers answer = oldAnswers.all (fun (oldAnswer : Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.Answer) => oldAnswer.resultType != answer.resultType) 0
Instances For
Create a new answer after cNode
resolved all subgoals.
That is, cNode.subgoals == []
And then, store it in the tabled entries map, and wakeup waiters.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Process the next subgoal in the given consumer node.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.getTop = do let __do_lift ← get pure __do_lift.generatorStack.back
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Try the next instance in the node on the top of the generator stack.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Given (cNode, answer)
on the top of the resume stack, continue execution by using answer
to solve the
next subgoal.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- Lean.Meta.SynthInstance.getResult = do let __do_lift ← get pure __do_lift.result?
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Type class parameters can be annotated with outParam
Given C a_1 ... a_n
, we replace a_i
with a fresh metavariable ?m_i
is an outParam
The result is type correct because we reject type class declarations IF
it contains a regular parameter X that depends on an out
parameter Y.
Then, we execute type class resolution as usual.
If it succeeds, and metavariables ?m_i have been assigned, we try to unify
the original type C a_1 ... a_n
with the normalized one.
Remark: when maxResultSize? == none
, the configuration option synthInstance.maxResultSize
is used.
Remark: we use a different option for controlling the maximum result size for coercions.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Return LOption.some r
if succeeded, LOption.none
if it failed, and LOption.undef
instance cannot be synthesized right now because type
contains metavariables.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.